Monday, August 5, 2013


Such an interesting thing. People who don't have it think those with it are just lucky. Or think of it as simply having passion. But passion does not always equal inspiration. I'll tell you something, inspiration takes work! It may start with passion but it takes effort, dedication, and commitment to keep the fire alive. It's amazing how if neglected the things we feel most inspired by seem to dwindle away. Never ignore your passions--never let life get in the way. Always carve out time for those things that make your eyes light up when you think about them! Here is a poem I wrote about 10 years ago. Seems fitting to include it today.


Seeing the beauty in all that surrounds you

No timers – just follow your heart

Recognizing the spark that can lead to a flame

You can find your inspiration


Learning to stop and listen to nothing

No sound – just calm, quiet breath

Pushing beyond your minds natural boundaries

You can grasp your inspiration


Living by both your mind and your heart

No deviations – just focus and yearning

Expanding within your heart and your mind

You can capture your inspiration


Failing in your best attempts at life

No regrets – just learning to grow

Helping yourself to understand what is right

You can grow in your inspiration


Expressing your gifts from all that’s inside

No pride – just open connection

Sensing the moment to turn on a light

You can fly with your inspiration


Loving enough to lift with your words

No reservations – just the hope of conviction

Sharing a blessing you found in your life
You can give your inspiration

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