Sunday, July 21, 2013

Rising above the noise

The negative voices in my head:

There are a million mommy blogs out there! They talk about how to change the perfect diaper, what's the best brand of diaper, what to feed your kids, how long to breastfeed--the list goes on and on. They are wonderful. I have read them myself as I struggled with each topic of motherhood in effort to be the best mom I can possibly be for my son. So what is different about me? What is different about what I have to say?

I feel as if there is a voice inside of me screaming "don't forget about me!" I went from nurturing this character of mine -- molding and shaping it through education, prayer, and life experience; to ignoring it completely overnight. And you know what, I am fine with that....temporarily. Temporarily the only focus I was even capable of was meeting every need of this new life I created and love so deeply it hurts. But at what point do we as moms remember there is still a person in there? One that God created for a purpose and a plan. Motherhood may be our most important job, but is it our only job?

How long will you ignore the person you are on the inside? One day your kids will move out and move on. You owe it to yourself to celebrate each season with joy and peace. So, I am choosing to listen to a friend who told me "who cares how many other people have written about what you feel inspired to write about? No one will say it like you."

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