Saturday, January 18, 2014

Back at it!

Throughout my first pregnancy and for the first 18 months after my son was born I was in what I like to refer to as a "baby fog". I mean, life revolved around his naps and nursing. Especially since I had decided to be a stay at home mom, my purpose became to meet his needs and be the best parent I could be. And that takes all your energy when you never sleep more than 3-4 hours at a time! Something happened when my son turned 18 months old though. First off I weaned him (well, he really weaned himself), and he started sleeping through the night consistently. It was only then that I realized the fog my brain was in - I guess I must have gotten used to it. I actually got to SLEEP for the first time in what felt like a lifetime! My brain started missing all the personal growth and development I was so dedicated to prior to my little bundle of joy. I guess my capacity for learning and thinking in general was back in full force. That is one thing that inspired me to start this blog. The old me was back, only better. Better because now I have a whole new element of depth to my character. A whole new understanding of love. A new perspective on the things I am capable of and most of all, a new outlook on who I am.

So here I am now 21 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and a funny thing has happened - my brain chemistry has shifted again! I am nesting, resting, and fully consumed by preparing for a new life and dynamic in our household. Its not on purpose either. We do not force ourselves to start preparing for a baby in the home. It is not about the check list of things to do before the due date. No, it is chemical--hormonal. I am in awe of how God has orchestrated nature and maternal instincts. As that baby grows for 9 months so does a mother's soul. If you stop and pay attention you can really feel it. Your needs and wants start to change. You change.

I have always felt that "I don't have time" is not really a valid excuse for most things in life because we make time for the things that are important to us. So, as I think about what has prevented me from blogging more regularly it is easy to say I do not have time, but it is more accurate to say I am fully inundated with motherhood! It has never been my intention to blog all about mommy topics. I want to inspire anyone, especially mothers, to dig down deep into your soul and examine the person you are and who you aspire to become. But as of now my soul is nurturing my three heartbeats and fueling my ability to pull off the amazing things mothers do day in and day out. Being a mom is so much more than the things we do, it is an experience. So, I will continue to write and let this take whichever direction it is meant to take. It will change, evolve, and grow because I continue to do all of those things. I hope that you will follow along with me! Oh and by the way, its a girl :-)

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